Teaching - en bloc

Occasionally, I get invited to teach somewhere en bloc — giving a full-fledged course in condensed form or short time (block seminar), teaching at intensive course programs (summer schools), and so on. Of course, I prepare something for such courses as well, and these materials will eventually be made available here. Same goes for short-term teaching trips, such as part of the Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility scheme or other guest lectures.

If you're interested in me coming over to your summer school, university, department, program, course, workshop, and son, please get in touch with me. These pages should provide a good overview of what I can easily whip up for en bloc teaching purposes.

I also provide links here to all my reading group and lab meeting activities at UCY.

CAT 2009: CAT Meetings (spring 2010, UCyprus; new CAT homepage)

CAT 2009: CAT Meetings (fall 2009, UCyprus)

CAT 2009: CAT Meetings (spring 2009, UCyprus)

LDG 2008: Linguistics Discussion Group (fall 2008, UCyprus)

SRG 2007: Syntax Reading Group (spring 2007, UCyprus)

SRG 2006: Syntax Reading Group (fall 2006, UCyprus)

SRG 2005: Syntax Reading Group (2005-6, UCyprus)

Block Seminar: Minimalist Syntax (May 2010, MA in Linguistics, U Nova Gorica)

Summer School: Minimalist Syntax (Jule–August 2009, GESSLA, U Cologne)

Summer School: Understanding Minimalism (August 2008, OWLi, Barcelona)

Tutorial: Links (über)denken (July 2006, GK Leipzig)

Proseminar: Wissenschaft und Verantwortung (summer semester 2004, UCologne)

Blockseminar: Minimalismus leicht gemacht (July 2004, UCologne)

Summer course: Modus & Modalität (summer 2001, GK Frankfurt)